How do I check my income statement totals?

When viewing your Income Statement, you will see a Download button on the right. Clicking this will generate a zip file containing multiple CSV files. These files contain all data from your store related to the values displayed in the Income Statement.

What's included in your data export

  • flipwise-export-sold.csv: All products sold during the time frame.
  • flipwise-export-inventory.csv: All products purchased during the time frame.
  • flipwise-export-marketplace-fees.csv: All marketplace fees incurred during the time frame.
  • flipwise-export-shipping-label-transactions.csv: All shipping label transactions recorded during the time frame.
  • flipwise-export-misc-ebay-transactions.csv: Misc eBay transactions recorded during the time frame
  • flipwise-export-ledger.csv: All ledger entries recorded during the time frame.
  • flipwise-export-refunds.csv: All refunds issued to buyers during the time frame.

Note that some CSVs may be blank if there is no relevant data in the time frame.

Checking the raw data against the Income Statement

If you're curious how the values shown in your Income Statement relate to the raw data, read on:

  • To understand your total gross revenue from sales, check the flipwise-export-sold.csv file and total up the Gross sales column (F). To check the total gross revenue from specific marketplaces, filter the Martketplace column (B) and total up the Gross sales column (F) for the specific marketplace.
  • To understand any additional revenue, check the flipwise-export-ledger.csv file for each category (column G) where a credit has been logged, as well as flipwise-export-shipping-label-transactions.csv for all shipping label adjustment credits. For misc. eBay credits, check for credits in flipwise-export-misc-ebay-transactions.csv.
  • To understand your total spent on new inventory, check the flipwise-export-inventory.csv file and total up all values in the Cost column (G).
  • To understand your total eBay fees, check the flipwise-export-marketplace-fees.csv file and total up eBay ad fees, eBay final value fees, eBay final value fixed fees per order, eBay international fees, and other eBay fees, and filter by the appropriate fee type (column C). For non-eBay marketplace fees, filter that same file by Marketplace (column B).
  • To understand your total charitable contributions, check flipwise-export-marketplace-fees.csv where fee type (column C) is CHARITY_DONATION.
  • To understand total shipping label costs, total shipping label adjustments, and return shipping label costs, check the flipwise-export-shipping-label-transactions.csv file and filter the Shipping label transaction type column (C). Additionally, if you've manually recorded any shipping costs for orders, you'll need to check flipwise-export-sold.csv — look at the Shipping cost (column T) for all rows where Manual shipping cost (column S) is set to Yes.
  • To understand any additional expenses,
    • For ledger expenses, check flipwise-export-ledger.csv for each category (column G) where an expense has been logged.
    • For refunds, check flipwise-export-refunds.csv and total up the Refund amount (column G).
    • For misc. eBay debits, check for debits in flipwise-export-misc-ebay-transactions.csv.
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