How to mark a Ledger expense as non-cash

Ledger expenses can be marked as "non-cash" if you do not want them to impact your income but still need to track the expenses for tax purposes. The most common example is logging taxable expenses like home office square footage or mileage. You incur these expenses as business write-offs, but no actual payment was made. Marking these expenses as "non-cash" will allow you track them for tax purposes, but they will not show up on your Income Statement since no payment was actually made.

Looking to quickly log your mileage in Flipwise for tax purposes? Read more here.

When you log mileage uses the Flipwise mileage logging tool, they will automatically be considered "non-cash" expenses.

You can mark any previously logged expense as "non-cash" by changing the expense Type from "Expense" to "Expense (non-cash)". This will allow you to continue to track these expenses for tax purposes but prevent them from impacting your income on the Income Statement.

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